No Celery Please – NYC Edition!

Let Me Count The Ways

Posted in Uncategorized by noceleryplease on January 9, 2011

In which I adore my latest discovery – Greek Yogurt…

I’ve never been much of a fan of yogurt, but this stuff, oh my… how does something so good and healthy taste so rich and creamy?

I don’t like the ones with stuff premixed… but a scoop of the plain, with honey drizzled over it and some berries or a banana underneath?  Yummeroony!

6 Responses to 'Let Me Count The Ways'

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  1. Alexia said,

    Thanks, I was just trying to think of something to eat, something between sweet and sour! Also, I’m Greek so I’m totally feeling smug now. Awesome.

    • I love pretty much all Greek food. Except Baklava – can’t get into that…

  2. Grant said,

    I’ll bet a bit of that would go great on a bacon cheeseburger. I love health food.

    • You joke – but I bet it would rock on a bacon cheeseburger!

  3. renn said,

    I’m a fan of Oikos brand honey yogurt. YUM!

  4. Kate said,

    If you are a culinary type, do yourself and make your own yogurt. There are tons of how-tos out there and you can strain it through cheesecloth (I actually bought a pillow cover for this specific purpose) to achieve greek yogurt. Then you can create your own flavors from there. All you need to get started is milk, a jar, and a stove, and of course, a cloth to strain through.

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