No Celery Please – NYC Edition!

I Loves Me Some Stolen Memes

Posted in Uncategorized by noceleryplease on December 9, 2008

Thanks to TIFF for providing me with the ability to post a post today, because my brain has completely refused to cooperate in the “things to post about” department.

So here’s a list of questions… followed by my answers.

You know the drill…

1. Do you like blue (sic) cheese?

Gag… ick. Barf. I will allow it in the house because the SB likes it.  But I’m not touching it… or anything that has touched it.  The worst thing EVER is when I am tricked by lighting or what have you into thinking some kind of dippiness is ranch and then it turns out to be moldy cheese flavor.

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?


3. Do you own a gun?

Not even a water gun (although I suppose that’s just happenstance and not a moral objections)

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?

I do not go to Sonic.  They serve tater tots.  I am not allowed near tater tots. I would be forced to eat all the tots they had in the place… and then who has time for drinks?  And what the heck is this about adding flavors anyway?

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

They have scales there and they are not afraid to use them.  Nervous?  Yeah.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?

Only if they are charred to a crisp on the grill.  I prefer turkey ones.

7. Favorite Christmas movie?

I cannot stand schmaltz.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

Water with breakfast… but Tea, Hot, Earl Grey comes at around 10 am.

9. Can you do push ups?

Just the fake, girly ones.

10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?

My Claddaugh ring wedding band

11. Favorite hobby?

Roller Derby, Baby!!!

12. Do you have A.D.D ?

No – I am focused like a… what now?

13. What is one trait you hate about yourself?

Horrible, debilitating laziness.

14. Middle name?


15. What is your favorite TV show or movie?

Firefly!  Serentity!  (Actually I like a lot of movies)

16. Name 3 things you bought yesterday.

Hmmm, yesterday was Monday.  I did not buy anything.  Buying of things is usually a weekendal activity.

17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink.

Water.  Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.  And, um, water.

18. Current worry?

Only four opportunities to practice before assessments.  I still cannot booty block worht a damn.

19. Current hate right now?

Stupid clock is stuck again at 3 pm.

20. Favorite place to be?

This is a difficult choice between my couch and my bed.   Hmm, ok bed.

21. Where would you like to go?

Seattle has been calling my name for two years now…  But yeesh, the plane tickets are not cooperating at all.

22. Name three people who will complete this?

I am not tagging anyone… but I suspect a few folks who are stuck for a topic might lift it.

24. What shirt are you wearing?


25. What year would you go back in time to?

Back?  No freakin way.  You know that relatively speaking, electricity has only just been invented?  Oh no… I am going to whaever time I can get one of those Jetsons flying cars.

26. Can you whistle?


27. Favorite color?

Black.  Purple. Red. Dark Green. Grey. Brown.  Yellow.  I love colors!

28. Would you be a pirate? 

It all seems very romantic, but pirates were not so much with the bathing. 

29. Favorite girl’s name?

hmmm.  I don’t think I have one.

30. Favorite boy’s name?

I always wanted to name my kid Seamus.  Probably a good thing I’m not having any.

31. Last thing you dreamed about?

I don’t remember my dreams.  Well… only the ones with zombies, and I haven’t had a zombie dream in quite some time.

32. What’s in your pocket right now?

Pockets are currently empty.

33. Last thing that made you laugh?

The SB sent me a link to a Toles cartoon.

34. Best Halloween costume?

My halloween costumes were ALWAYS last minute and sucktastic.

35. Worst injury you’ve ever had?

I am lucky and have not ever injured myself beyond the point of just bruises.

36. Do you like where you live?

Charlotte is fine.  It’s a perfectly cromulent city.  New York it aint, but at least here I can afford a place to live.

37. How many TVs do you have in your house?

2 that we use.  1 in the workout room that never goes on.

38. Who is your loudest friend?

Bryan may not be the loudest, but he’s the most committed to talking.

39. How many dogs do you have?


40. Does someone have a crush on you?

After 12 years of marriage, I do not think it qualifies as a “Crush” anymore.

41. What is your favorite book(s)?

This is an impossible question.

42. What is your favorite candy?

Reeses Peanutbutter cups.

43. Favorite Sports Team?

Charlotte Roller Girls!

44. Favorite Sports?

Roller Derby!  Yeah, and Football’s ok too.

45. What were you doing 12 AM last night?


46. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?

Time to get up again!!?

6 Responses to 'I Loves Me Some Stolen Memes'

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  1. db grin said,

    Dood! I get to say I started it, which I didn’t really, but I like copycats.

    Due to your enthusiasm, I may have to give roller derby a go. And colors.

  2. I’m stealing this, but technically from Tiff, since that’s where I saw it first. But, I lerve your answers! 🙂

  3. Ron said,

    I’m with you on the pirate thing 🙂

    I like the historical sort of ideas you see in movies, but once you factor in bathing once a year or so and the bugs and lice. Ewwwww….shudder

  4. Al said,

    The Pirate question doesn’t say you have to go back in time to be a pirate. Matye a smart sophisticated clean modern pirate? In a 200 foot floating pleasure palace.
    Yeah I could do that.

  5. tiff said,

    You can steal from me anytime – er…blog fodder, anyhow.

    We might be twins separated at birth, is how much I love your answers. 🙂

  6. renn said,

    Done! I gave ALL of you credit. I’m having issues with B^%gger tonight, so I had to throw in random colors to make it work. I don’t know why.

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